Thursday, September 1, 2016

Building Confidence

A few years ago, after cutting my own hair off during a pretty major breakdown, I began dyeing my hair different colors. One of the most common responses was from women that said they wished they had the confidence I had. This stumped me every time. What was this confidence they spoke of? And why couldn't I see it?

To me, I felt anything but confidence. I felt anger. I felt fear. I felt hurt. I felt judged. I felt betrayed. But I didn't feel confidence. Honestly, I did it to prove a point, and it taught me some valuable lessons. I learned that those judging me were no better than me. I learned that it was okay to be myself, to be different. I learned that living outside the box is not only acceptable, but can be very rewarding. I also learned that I too can have self-confidence.

Now I'm not saying that everyone needs to go chop off their hair, and dye it crazy colors, in order to build their confidence. That is just how I learned the lesson in my journey. Aside from the drastic, I had also learned about the Law of Attraction around that time, and decided to start with implementing it on my own self-confidence. It wasn't the easiest thing for me to try to manifest from the start. It took a lot of focus, and determination. The Law of Attraction tells us that whatever we focus our energy on, we'll get more of. So, the key is to shift your focus away from the negativity of self-doubt, and towards the positivity of self-confidence. Easier said than done, right?

Immersion is the way I learn best, meaning that when I want to learn something new, I tend to hyper-focus on it. This serves me well when implementing the law of attraction. I began by researching how to be more self confident. There is tons of information & advice on the subject that is free, and readily available. Not all of it will work for everyone, but here are ten ways to modify your behavioral patterns & mindset, that helped me become a more confident me. 
      1. Take the time to take care of yourself. Hygiene, exercise, and even getting the proper nutrition that our bodies need to function at their peak, all play an important part in building self-confidence. To me now, this one seems kind of obvious, but once caught in a rut of self-doubt, it's easy to fall into a cycle of not having the confidence to take care of yourself. Each is very important, but they all fall in the category of self-care. There are lots of exercise programs, diets, and supplements available. Some will work, and some won't.
Personally, I have had some amazing results with Thrive by Le-Vel,
and became a Le-Vel Brand Promoter, because of those life-changing results.
You can find out more about Thrive by Le-Vel at:

      1. Surround yourself with confident people, and weed out those that bring your confidence down. That doesn't mean you have to change jobs, cut people off or spend most of your time in the physical presence of confident people. Set boundaries with the negative people who hurt your self-confidence. Start limiting your contact with them. Unfollow them on social media sites. Instead, find confident people who inspire you to follow. In this day & age, there are many ways to surround yourself with positivity. Following uplifting social media pages or blogs, watching motivating videos on Youtube, or even reading books can be ways of bringing more confident people into your life.
      2. Think positively. When self-doubt & negativity arise, acknowledge how you feel, question it realistically, and then shift your focus to the positive side of things. Don't try to gloss over negative feelings, and pretend like nothing is wrong. We have these feelings for a reason. Learn from them, and then give thanks for the lesson learned. Using positive affirmations consistently can help change your mindset. These are some that helped me:
• I AM confident by nature, as my authentic self!
• I AM confident in my abilities, and it shows!
• I AM getting better & better every day, in every way!
• I love myself exactly as I AM!
      1. Identify your strengths & achievements, and then celebrate them. We all have strengths & weaknesses. We all have achievements & failures. Focus your energy on the positive by celebrating them, and you will have more to celebrate about in the future.
      2. Learn to trust your own instincts again, by building your intuition. Nothing helps self-doubt grow faster than not being able to trust yourself. Whether it was a gradual progression of bad decisions or a sudden trauma that led to the lack of trust in your own abilities & decision making skills, this can keep you stuck in a rut for as long as you let it. Start small. Go with your gut, and remember that everything happens for a reason. Even if it appears like you made a bad decision, the universe/God always has your back. Who's to say that things would have went better had your decision been different?
      3. Start setting goals, and then do what it takes to achieve them. Educate yourself, get the tools you need in place, and then practice. Practice over & over & over again. Practice, practice, practice... Repetition, repetition, repetition... Professional athletes & musicians don't gain the confidence to perform under pressure by wishing & hoping they could. They practice repeatedly over & over & over again. The more you practice, the better you will get, and the more confidence you will have in your own abilities to achieve your goals.
      4. Fake it 'til you make it. It sounds so cliche, but it works. What you put out into the world is what you get back, so carrying yourself with confidence will give you more self-confidence. I heard a TED Talk, featuring Amy Cuddy once, and she said that her research showed that when people take a power stance (like a super-hero pose) for just two minutes, it raised their self-confidence. Imagine what it could do if you carried yourself with more confidence all the time. So, hold your head up high, lift your shoulders, and smile your way to a more confident you.
      5. Always do your best. Knowing that you did your best can help keep self-doubt from creeping in. And when you do fail, which we all are bound to do at times, go easy on yourself. Don't beat yourself up. You did your best, and that is all anyone should expect from you.
      6. Let go of your fear of failure. As human beings, we all make mistakes. We have all failed at something. It's going to happen. Just don't give up. Many of those considered to be the greats throughout history failed repeatedly, before finally achieving success.
      7. Helping others build their self-confidence is a rewarding way to build your own. Random acts of kindness, giving sincere compliments, being supportive or simply hearing someone out, and providing constructive criticism can all be ways of helping someone else build confidence. Be careful to make sure the criticism is constructive & positive though. Too much negative criticism can tear down a person's confidence.
Along with changing your behavioral patterns & mindset, there are a few alternative ways to heal your confidence.

Reiki is my favorite of them. It's a method of energy healing that works with the chakra (aura). Three of the seven chakras affect self-confidence, and they are:
  1. The Root Chakra – Gives you a solid foundation, keeping you grounded in reality. It also provides you with a sense of security, and the confidence to trust your instincts.
  2. The Solar Plexus Chakra – Gives you a strong sense of who you are. It's where your gut feelings come from. It helps build your intuition, positive will power, and the confidence to follow through.
  3. The Throat Chakra – Gives you the ability & confidence to express yourself through communication. It also helps you trust your intuition.
Clearing any energy blocks in these chakras can greatly effect your self-confidence in a positive way.

• Using certain Essential Oils can help clear the chakras, and give self-confidence, Bergamot, Cassia Lavender, Pine, Roman Chamomile, Spearmint, and Citrus Blends can all help build confidence, each in their own way. Be sure to check with the manufacturer on how to use it, since some oils aren't safe for consumption or topical use. Those can usually be diffused into the air.

I use DoTerra Essential Oils, and have had great results,
so decided to become a DoTerra Wellness Advocate.
You can find out more about DoTerra Essential Oils at:

• Another alternative method to healing your confidence is with Crystals. Just having certain gemstones in the room with you or on your person can draw out negativity, clear energy blocks, and build self-confidence. Agate, Citrine, Fluorite, Garnet, Hematite, and Peridot are just a few of the many stones that help with confidence. You can also use the crystals to clear the chakras. Just match the color of the stone with the appropriate chakra color. Place the gemstone on the chakra for 15 minutes to start with. You can work your way up to longer sessions, but be sure to keep it under an hour. This can be done twice a day.

Combine the crystals & oils with Reiki for a very powerful confidence building session.

There are many, many more ways to build self-confidence. These are just the ones that made a noticeable difference for me. Try out the ones that resonate with you, and let me know how it goes.